Lockdown Lowdown with... George Slack
Lockdown Lowdown 7 of 17

7. Lockdown Lowdown with... George Slack

George, firstly I hope you and your family are all well. How are you coping with the current situation? How are you keeping busy?

Yeah they’re good cheers. We are coping well. I made some goals in the garden recently so been keeping busy playing football. I also bought a puppy before we had to stay indoors so she’s keeping us busy as well.

How many takes did *that* video take?

Haha! We were at it most of the day trying to get both corners. Got the top corners eventually and the video ended up well.

This isn’t your first spell with the club, but it is your most consistent. What is the reason for your prolonged stay, and why did it never work out previously?

I just enjoyed playing at Clay Cross too much to leave and it was probably never the right time. Last season I fancied trying it in the step above after Clay Cross didn't get promoted and I’m really enjoying it.

Did Lee Needham have much of an influence on the decision?

Yeah he did. He asked me to come down to Harworth a few years ago, but I stayed at Clay Cross. Then when he started at Ollerton, and I knew a few people there, I thought it would be a good time to join.

How would you describe the perfect game on your behalf?

A clean sheet and a goal at the other end.

Finally, how do you think we will fair next season?

If we keep the lads we’ve got and get some good runs going I think we’ll do really well.